What People Are Saying
Contact Sherokee directly at SherokeeIlse@yahoo.com
Sherokee is motivated by inspiring others and knowing that she is making a positive difference for grieving families. She believes that all parents deserve the best care since they get no 'do-overs.' And all caregivers deserve to receive a 'Gold Standard' training* as well as to be supported in their important work.
See what parents, nurses, counselors, community leaders and others have to say about working with Sherokee, her training programs and the stories she shares.
“As my Grief Mentor, you really helped me gain confidence I could go forward. The stories you tell, the guidance you offer, and the belief that I would ‘make it’ and even ‘grow’ meant the world to me. I hope others take you up on your offer to be mentored by you. —A mama of an angel
“Thank you so much for an incredible training this weekend! This was by far the best training I have attended, and I took so much valuable information with me. Your passion for this work shines through, and it was an honor to hear stories of those families you supported. I appreciate your 1:1 guidance and your interest in my work. I hope we can remain in contact as I continue to develop my follow-up program and work to improve the way our hospital provides care to our families.”
“And to add more, yesterday at our staff training I was able to incorporate some stories you told and other beautiful quotes (like looking through loves eyes and they get no do-overs). I felt these resonated with the team in a much different way. I agree to your previous statement that perspective and putting them in the shoes of a bereaved parent changed their outlook more than any statistic could. So, thank you for these stories and perspectives.” . —Audrey W., Social Worker and Bereavement Coordinator (2023)